Blog Pre-loved

1. Pre-loved are loved again!

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle! It's the motto of today's world. So,, an online UAE based E-commerce platform, has also taken a vow to contribute to this noble cause. By wasting less and refurbishing the old into new is a bold step taken by us to save the environment and to pass on the savings to our customers. And we don't demand credit for it. Our planet deserves it and we are just the medium!

Being a retailer is not easy. Every year one has to manage the unsold inventory and its obsolete technology. Gadgets keep on being updated every year and the customers always want the up to date product at a reasonable price. takes up this challenge to refurbish the old products (including computer hardware, computer accessories, laptops & accessories, mobile & accessories, electronics, gaming, printer and much more) giving chance to the retailers to liquidate their stock and customers to get their hands on the fully updated product at an unbeatable market price.

A whopping amount of pre-loved, old and retired gadget stock is thrown every year that increases the carbon footprint on our beloved planet. We, at EDUBAICART, give new life to these pre-loved products while assessing their condition, testing, examining and refurbishing them. These products are 100% certified with best quality assurance and easy on the pocket! Furthermore, free shipping and cash on delivery for our valued customers is icing on the cake.

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